stamp1.bmp (41578 bytes)September 11th March Gaining Momentum
Portsmouth Will Host Memorial at High Street Landing

Ned McCabe continues to make progress organizing a September 11th memorial service that will be inclusive of all faiths. Late Tuesday, 8-7-02, Ned received permission from Ntelos for marchers to assemble at the Harbor Center Pavilion for the walk to High Street Landing where the memorial service will be held. This was another important step in making the service a reality. All marchers are asked to be at the N-telos pavilion by 6:00 p.m. September 11, 2002 so everyone will be in place by 7:00 p.m. Currently Ned reports that all faiths will be well represented and that over 50 groups have committed to support the memorial service and march. For information about the event, please contact Ned McCabe at 393-9385 or by email at